I have been a licensed amateur radio operator since May 1991. I became interested in ham radio after a few years of listening to a 2m repeater in California. My roommate at the time regularly listened to a weekly net and after a while we knew the hams quite well and thought it would great if we could talk to them. Of course we didn’t really know what we had to do to be licensed but when they announced that they were having a social event at a local park we decided to pay a visit. After speaking to several hams I was motivated to get my license. They explained what I needed to do and shortly after I moved back to Wisconsin I studied for the test and got my license.
XYL Gets Licensed
My wife (KC9BTF) received her license in May 2002.
Home Station
I now have a Yeasu FTM-500D mobile on the air at my computer desk in the living room. I still plan to get an antenna on my tower and get back on the air in my ham shack — hopefully this fall.
Hamshack Hotline – 11887 | Hams Over IP – 100175